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The Lignofuels 2017, Advanced Biofuels & Materials Conference took place on 1st & 2nd February in Helsinki, Finland. Organised by Active Communications International (ACI) Europe, it brought together approximately 200 industry experts from Europe but also Australia, India, Brazil, and the US who discussed the way forward for biofuels and materials worldwide, the status of legislation in the European market, and the latest developments in biorefineries at the 9th Lignofuels: Advanced Biofuels & Materials congress in Helsinki, Finland. This included the role of biofuels in decarbonizing transport, pre-treatment and hydrolysis processes, the use as jet fuel and marine diesel, pilot plants, latest R&D work, and national perspectives.
The conference showed that there is a lot happening in this young industry which is not profitable yet. At least in Europe there is a lack of investors. Some participants felt that the biofuels industry has to be unified; together they have to look at holistic solutions and benefits instead of fighting for single one and only solutions. “Much of the world’s available biomass is underutilized or inefficiently used,” according to Andrew Lang, Vice President, World Bioenergy Association, Australia. To lead into the right direction, a close exchange and commitment of the research community, industry, and governance is needed.
To view a comprehensive report about the conference written by Dr. Vera Koester, Editor-in-Chief, Chemistry Views please click here
The 10th edition of Lignofuels will be held in February 2018 in Europe with location due to be finalised alongside pre-conference site visit. For further information do not hesitate to contact Dimitri Pavlyk, ACI, UK, on +44 203 141 0627 or [email protected] or watch the ACI’s conference webpage.