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The 6th National Conference on Next Generation Demand Response will bring together industry experts to discuss the latest news and developments in the demand response market. Session Two will discuss Energy Storage and presenting on the topic will be Douglas Staker, Vice President Utility Business Development, Enel X & Craig Boice, President, Boice Dunham Group. The event will take place on 12th-13th June, in Boston, Massachusetts, a major demand response hub.
Some of the essential topics this year will be: solar & storage, microgrids, smart devices, capacity markets, & DER implementation. See the latest news in the industry and what is happening on the east coast, in the DR world.
“Massachusetts has adjusted state regulations to give energy storage system owners participating in the SMART system the right to gain revenue from selling into the Forward Capacity Market, and has also approved solar+storage as part of the net metering programs. The ruling, DPU 17-146-A PDF (was part of a broader compromise whose goal was to accelerate energy storage deployment by giving investors an additional source of revenue, but to also lower the costs of energy on the Massachusetts grid by fully making use of energy storage’s value.”
See more at:
Confirmed speakers at the event include:
Latest conference agenda HERE
Official conference website HERE
Register until 29th March and take advantage of 10% off the registration fee.
Standard rate – $2,395
Discounted rate – $2,155
For more infrmation & registration, please contact:
Marcin Janecki / +48 61 646 7047