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ACI is excited to announce EuMBC – the European Masterbatchers and Compounders Association as Speaker during our European Masterbatch Summit taking place in Dusseldorf, Germany, on the 15th & 16th of May 2019.
Sebastian Lemp, Public Relations Manager, EuMBc will contribute to panel discussion on day one with a presentation on : ‘REACH horizon scanning: assessing regulatory threats to raw material availability’
Sebastian Lemp has been working in marketing and public relations for five years.
He graduated in Corporate Communication at the Université Libré de Bruxelles. Sebastian gained experience in working with associations at a European level at the Vienna Business Agency in 2015 before he worked in the marketing and communication departments of different IT companies.
Today he is responsible for the communication and public relations of EuMBC – the European Masterbatchers and Compounders Association.
Latest agenda here>>
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To confirm your participation or for further information contact:
Marcin Janecki
T: +48 61 646 7047