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Join ACI’s 7th edition of Gasification Summit taking place in Frankfurt, Germany on the 28th – 29th March 2018 and learn about Biomass Gasification for Heat & Power with a chance to join in with panel Q&A’s
Session One: Biomass Gasification for Heat & Power
Esa Kurkela, Senior Principal Scientist Gasification Technologies of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Kurkela joined VTT in 1981 and has since then been working with different types of biomass, coal and waste gasification technologies. He has extensive experience on the following topics: a) the development and commercialization of small-scale biomass gasifiers, b) pressurized fluidized-bed gasification processes for IGCC c) atmospheric-pressure gasification of wood, straw and waste materials for boilers and kilns, and d) steam-oxygen gasification of biomass and subsequent gas cleaning for synthesis applications.
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