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Pat Forde has crafted a career in sports journalism for over 30 years, covering some of the biggest stories in college sports. He has garnered 18 national awards in the AP Sports Editors writing contests. Growing up in Colorado Springs, he played sports and waited for his father to read the respective morning and evening papers before Pat could read up on his favorite teams. His passion for sport propelled him to pursue a career in journalism at the University of Missouri.
After school, Forde went to work for the Courier-Journal in Louisville. Seventeen years later he moved on to ESPN and eventually to Yahoo! Sports where he writes insightful articles on topics spanning everything from institutional cover ups to heart-warming human interest pieces that combine sports and life. He is a respected member of the journalistic community and has a wealth of knowledge about college basketball. ISM is proud to present Pat Forde as our featured 2018 NCAA Semi-Finals Guest Speaker.