ACI’s The Future of Aromatics 2015 will be taking place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on 14th & 15th January 2015. The two day event will bring together key industry stakeholders from the aromatic and petrochemical industry to discuss the challenges faced and the future opportunities.
Aromatics are crucial chemical feedstock for the majority of end-use products in various industries ranging from automotive, medical to household products. As a result of the shale gas exploitation the demand and supply of aromatics has been very volatile due to the decreased demand for gasoline in certain regions. The concentrated China / Middle East markets leave a halt on potential growth in other areas.
The Future of Aromatics 2015 will aim to address the current overview of the markets, with highlights from experts on the progression of the aromatic market and new insights and innovation of projects in pipeline. The conference will also have insights from end-use markets giving an idea on what materials are driving market growth along with sustainable advancements and bio based technologies.
ACI has put together a range of packages to suit your requirements. These range from branding options, to full scale partner solutions and can be tailored to meet your objectives and budgets.
If you are launching a new product or service and wish to gain visibility and brand recognition within your industry, contact us today!
For commercial opportunities, please contact:
Maureen Ignacio
+44 20 3141 0636