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5th Ship Recycling Congress

Date: 26th July 2017 - 27th July 2017 Location: Singapore

Bridging the Gap with Europe – Advancements in South East Asian Ship Breaking

ACI’s 5th Ship Recycling Congress will be taking place 26-27th July, 2017 in Singapore.
The two day conference will consist of a number of informative presentations followed by interactive Q&A sessions, panel discussions and an open discussion to further involve the delegates. These talk will give a deep insight on the views shared from the different aspects of Ship Recycling. We will explore and discuss current and future possibilities within the market. Reviewing methods in increasing ship recycling profitability despite the low steel prices as well as looking into solutions in bettering dangers and health risks within South East Asian Ports. Topics will also include insights into new technological and practical systems for hazardous waste tracking. The conference will bring together various key industry stake-holders including Ship-owners, Ship-mangers & associated solution providers, fuel solutions, IT & data associations, consultants & technology providers.


26th July 2017
27th July 2017
Event Categories:


Cheryl Williams – Marketing & Delegate Sales
+44 (0) 203 141 0605


We will confirm the venue approximately 4-6 weeks before the event to ensure we find the most suitable space because numbers can vary dramatically. There will be a discounted accommodation rate for conference attendees.
Singapore, Singapore

+ Google Map

· Industry Boom – Keeping up with Recycling Demands & the Correct Choice of Yard
· The Shipowners Conundrum
· European Policies Restricting the Asian Shipyards
· Recent Updates & Developments of Regional Shipbreaking Yards
· Commercial Use & Cash Buyer/ brokers; Obtaining Peace of Mind
· The Quality Gap
· Increased Performance & Improvements within Asian Shipyards
· The Next Step to Safer & Environmental Friendly Methods & Practices
· Technical Processes to Ensure Complete End-of-Life Cycle
· The European Effect & The Future of the HK Convention

ACI’s seminars attract a targeted group of senior level executives with a strict focus on end-users from the industry.

Our delegates will be drawn from Ship Operators, Ship Owners, Ship Managers, Coastguard and Transport Authorities, Shipbuilders and Shipyards, Designers, Repairing companies, Vendors and Subcontractors, Energy and Mining companies, Cash-Buyers, Shipbrokers, Recycling facilities, Regulators, Consultants, Researchers, Brokers, Financiers and Investors.


C.H. Yeh, Chairman, Kuang Ming Shipping

Keiji Tomoda, Associate Director, K. Line

S. K. M. Bhimani, Environmental Compliance Director, Anglo-Eastern Ship Management Ltd

KK Mukherjee, Director, NYK Bulkship (Asia) Pte Ltd.

Ajinkya Kadam, Manager – Fleet Operations, Golden Stena Weco Singapore

Simon Bennett, General Manager – Sustainable Development, The China Navigation Co. Pte. Ltd     Swire Pacific Offshore Operations (Pte) Ltd

Allan Gao, Technical Manager, Grieg Green

Marc Van De Poel, Founder, Van De Poel  | M.a.r.c

Hari Narayan, Partner, United Maritime Law Chambers

Rakesh Bhargava, Director, Sea-Sentinels

Gerhard Aulbert, Head Of Ship Recycling, DNV GL

Chintan Kalthia, Director, RL Kalthia Ship Breaking Pvt. Ltd.

Rahul Varma, General Manager, Lilly Maritime Pvt. Ltd.

Arun Dev, Senior Lecturer, Marine And Offshore Technology, Newcastle University (Singapore)


If you would like to be considered as a speaker at the event for a 30-45 minute presentation, please submit an abstract for consideration to:

Adam Fry

Tel: +44 (0) 203 141 0616

Email:  [email protected]

ACI has put together a range of packages to suit your requirements. These range from branding options, to full scale partner solutions and can be tailored to meet your objectives and budgets.

If you are launching a new product or service and wish to gain visibility and brand recognition within your industry, contact us today!

For commercial opportunities, please contact:

Ketan Kulkarni

Tel: +91 (0) 206 5272 807

Email: [email protected]


Oferta diaria de empleos en los sectores marítimo-portuario y logístico Noticias, Buques, Empresas, Puertos, Aduanas, Eventos …

Daily Offer of jobs into the maritime, port and logistics sectors News, Vessels, Companies, Ports, Customs, Events …

Envíenos sus ofertas de trabajo y las publicaremos completamente GRATIS  en un medio profesional y especializado

Send to us your job offers and will be published totally FREE in a professional and specialized mean


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Ship2Shore is one of the most successful on-line magazines in the Mediterranean region and the leading news provider in Italy exploring the financial, economical, political and legal aspects of the transports industry.

News are published daily on the website, grouped into macro-categories (shipping&shipyards, ports&services,  logistics&intermodal transport, energy&offshore, others) to help readers finding easily and quickly what they need.

A weekly pdf magazine, published on Monday and announced by a newsletter, offers a complete overview of the most important topics as well as in-depth analysis, interviews and further stories; periodic Special Features complete the information offer.

Thanks to accurate and high quality information that can be browsed directly on desktops and mobile devices, Ship2Shore is a useful working tool for being regularly updated as well as an effective means for web advertising.

A free trial is available by signing up on www.ship2shore.it/english

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Marine & Maritime Gazette is a printed copy & digital version magazine read across the globe by professionals within the marine, renewables and offshore industries.
On a monthly basis the publication focuses on salient news, reviews and features across the whole of the industry.
The printed copy of the magazine is circulated to over 8,000 industry professionals and decision makers across the UK and Europe and the digital version hits
a unique Worldwide circulation in excess of 11,000.


Inside Marine

Inside Marine is a highly respected magazine covering the whole spectrum of important maritime sectors on a global scale. Covering areas from shipbuilding, superyachts, commercial marine and offshore activities to the latest maritime technologies and in-depth company profiles, the magazine is targeted at and read by directors and the high-end management brackets.

Publishing five editions per year and circulated in both hard and virtual formats, Inside Marine has gained a reputation as a leading voice throughout the maritime industry. By working closely with many companies, leading industry experts and partnering many major maritime exhibitions, Inside Marine is helping everyone involved connect the seven seas and five oceans with one voice.


GREEN4SEA Logo (New 2017)

GREEN4SEA is a PRO BONO project fostering Environmental Excellence and Sustainable Shipping, including:

 The Leading Maritime Green Portal, www.green4sea.com  (30,000+ visitors on a monthly basis). GREEN4SEA LOG, a Quarterly Magazine circulated in excess of 50,000 copies in Greece and Abroad every year. GREEN4SEA Conference, the world’s largest Green Conference, attracting 1,000+ delegates / 450+ organisations in Athens, every April


Universal Freight Organisation (UFO) was formed in January 2000 and today the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified association boasts representation in 120+ countries. UFO are proud to have maintained a ‘One Member per Country’ policy (with the exception of USA and China), making them one of the only remaining exclusive freight forwarder networks in the world.


project cargo logo-portrait-RGB

Project Cargo Network (PCN) is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified organisation established to provide a networking platform for the world’s top project cargo specialists. Our Members handle the transportation of oversized and heavy items or shipments that consist of complex components that must be disassembled, shipped and then re-assembled. They offer project cargo management for engineering, procurement and construction companies servicing energy, mining, chemical, petrochemical, pipeline, infrastructure and other sectors. Our fast-growing organisation comprises of 220+ specialists in 105+ countries.

Visit www.projectcargonetwork.com

Cargo Connections

Cargo Connections was formed in the summer of 2014 and offers Restricted Representation, which means membership will only be offered to a limited number of freight forwarders who offer air, sea and road freight services per country. With a cutting-edge website, Cargo Connections offers innovative membership benefits including a useful Smartphone Service.



Freightbook is a fast growing online searchable database containing profiles of 1000+ freight forwarders in 140+ countries. Each company can provide comprehensive logistics solutions through their experienced staff who have an in-depth understanding of their local market. To obtain rates and advice on a shipment, please complete our Get A Quote form. Our simple but effective system enables you to obtain advice and pricing from all registered freight agents in the country of origin, thus providing a variety of options. Alternatively, please search our database and contact companies directly www.freightbook.net


First of all, KORSHIP respect and appreciate shipbuilding companies, related personals and partners, all those who lead Korea’s shipbuilding & offshore industries with strong spirit of artisanship and high technologies. Korea have an environmental element advantages that helps shipbuilding & offshore industries can be developed and growth. Peninsula surrounded ocean environments and alternate demand of ship concerning environmental pollution and increasing quantities of ocean logistics demand from developed new industrial countries like China, India.

KORSHIP is the official media partner for ‘KORMARINE’, KORSHIP promise to grow with good reputation of credible media in the international shipbuilding industry.


Maritime Matrix Today logo_S

Maritime Matrix Today monthly magazine encompasses and portrays various sectors of the maritime trade including shipbuilding, ship repair, marine technology, logistics, ports, freight forwarding, dredging, coastal shipping, inland waterways, energy management, offshore, oil & gas, environmental issues, maritime infrastructure, shipping law, cruising, leisure boating, manning, training, and marine insurance.



Marino World is an ideal medium to sustain corporate growth. Strategic and creative – cost efficient to max your marketing program.

Published bimonthly or every two months, Marino World is most preferred for maritime Information. It watches for industry trends; digests maritime news and comes up with objective frameworks.

Research and ethical journalism are our editorial strength.

Marino World is the only Philippine maritime magazine collected at the US Library of Congress. Read by movers of the industry, by policy makers of business and government.

Aside from the print edition, Marino World has the E-Magazine format, a ready-to-browse digital edition.


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Since published in 1996  ” INDONESIA SHIPPING GAZETTE ” is the only licensed and authorized shipping magazine in Indonesia that is published every Monday and delivered to all transportation executives and staff in Indonesian trading, manufacturing and shipping industries with the most complete, reliable shipping and logistics information. Indonesia Shipping Gazette aims to effectively guide everyone who needs to deliver cargoes in Indonesia to and from inland / worldwide destination and origin.


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Information and Analytical Agency PortNews (IAA PortNews http://en.portnews.ru ) is the leading provider of maritime news in Russia covering both domestic and international markets. On-line news and analytical materials related to port services, sea and river transport, shipping and shipbuilding placed at the agency’s portal are available on open access. Special attention is paid to oil and fuel markets. The audience of the portal’s Russian and English pages numbers about 8,000 regular readers. Our readership covers the territory from the North-West to the Far East of Russia as well as 60 countries worldwide.



Alang Info Services – (AIS), is a portal owned and operated by an expertise group of marine professionals, referred primarily, as an information gateway for Alang ship recycling industry and its affiliate entities.
AIS provides précised and acute vessel details, brought down for recycle and its included installations, machinery, equipments, spares and accessories. ‘Alang’, being the second largest ship recycling region, globally, AIS plays a pivotal role in diversifying ship recycling industry, acting as a bridge between ship recycling units and machinery
traders, Call it as an E-commerece platform, a resource provider for buyers, both nationally and internationally, as well.


International Sea magazine «Shipping»

The international sea magazine «SHIPPING» – specialized periodical, which covers the issues of Ukrainian and world shipping development, shipbuilding, logistics, sea and river ports’ work, the activities of sea transport enterprises of different proprietary form.

The main sections of the magazine are focused on the shipping companies, water carriers, investment into sea/river ports and cargo terminals development, the container and freight markets’ performance issues. The edition offers interviews with top managers of efficiently-run companies, as well as analyzes of the dynamics of cargo flows, the prospects for public-private partnerships in the maritime industry, management details in transport sphere.


Headquartered in Dubai (UAE),Supply Chain & Logistics Group(SCLG) is a membership driven industry business group engaged in advancing supply chain & logistics industry locally, regionally and globally. Please be welcome to visit www.sclgme.org for more details.



Supply Chain & Logistics Link (Link) magazine was first published in year 2003 — the magazine started as quarterly publication. Link is now published each month as an information to industry and its members. The magazine includes trend setting articles, white papers, research insights and news. You are welcome to view some of the latest editions and also some of featured Link magazine from the past.


Worldoils is a company that combines the power of marketing as well as the in-house expertise for the Oil, Gas, Offshore and the Maritime industries. Worldoils’ web portal www.worldoils.com has become a truly central platform for visitors who need information regarding oil and gas products and services, research, training, conferences, news and events as well as a popular advertising base for providers of Oil, Gas, Marine and Offshore services. Worldoils has also launched the jobs system and a marketplace. In the recent months, Worldoils has strengthened its position as a fast developing central place for buying and selling of land rigs, offshore rigs, barge rigs and other oilfield and subsea equipment.


Recycling International is written for the global recycling industries by skilled journalists. It also features contributions from highly-qualified players within the recycling industry itself.
Our specialist journalists travel the globe to bring you all the latest information of vital importance to your own business or recycling related organisation. Published 10 times a year, Recycling International is recognized by industry leaders as the main reference tool for latest information about the world’s recycling industry. Since its launch in the 1990s, it has gained a strong following and is read by an estimated 33 000 recycling professionals active across 6500 companies in more than 120 countries.


LogisticLeads.com.com have over the period become a most trusted name in the Logistics business arena. We are among the leading networks of independent Freight forwarders and Cargo Agents. We offer a platform that connects Exporter, Importer & Logistic Agents Worldwide. Our online marketplace enables the worldwide leading Logistic companies to take advantage of the information and develop a fruitful business network with each other. With our global presence and growing alliance network we provide the customers with best Logistic networking opportunities. Our comprehensive services covers, providing sales leads, agent inquires, listings on Logistic directory and many more. Our esteemed team of young professionals help you to get instant access to companies within the network to share ideas, quotes and partnership possibilities to expand your operations. At Logistic Leads we pride ourselves as an leading network of Logistic information delivering excellence in every network we make. www.logisticleads.com

Conqueror Freight Network (CQR) is a group of carefully-selected freight forwarders in each major sea/airport which cooperate reciprocally and securely to expand their businesses, reduce costs and risks, and compete on more equal terms against the largest international companies.

Because CQR only accepts 1 agent per city the selection process is rigorous. An external auditor (Dun & Bradstreet) checks every potential agent (CQR is the only network in the world to do this).

Every CQR membership should be productive with members seeing significant inward business and this is monitored through a quarterly survey.

Carefully selected members coupled with disciplined cooperation provide the trust needed to form long-term business relationships.


The Cooperative Logistics Network is a capped, non-exclusive alliance of hand-picked freight forwarders in each major air/seaport who co-operate in a financially secure environment to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses by actively working together to compete against the largest multinationals. The Cooperative Logistics Network does not believe in claiming a membership fee and offering its members nothing in return. On joining the network, members immediately gain a global brand, a directory of reliable, financially secure agents who actively work together to bid for the largest contracts and negotiate lower rates from carriers and insurers. www.thecooperativelogisticsnetwork.com

Globalia Logistics Network is an exclusive network of the highest calibre freight forwarders in each key air/seaport worldwide who actively co-operate to reduce costs and risks and grow their businesses together through mutual cooperation to beat the leading multinationals.

Having only 1 agent per territory, we carry out a rigorous selection process which allows us to choose only the best agent for each city.

Our members report an increase in inward business and flourishing new business relationships with trustworthy and reliable partners since joining Globalia.



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