Maximising Commercial Successes In Algae Biomass By Combining Focussed R&D With Business Strategy.
ACI’s 5th annual European Algae Biomass Conference will once again bring together senior executives from industry and academia to discuss the latest commercial and technical developments, challenges and research breakthroughs throughout the entire algae value chain.
The conference will have a heavy focus on case study examples of latest technologies in operation in the global algae industry. Discuss the technical challenges faced when optimising the cultivation of algae. Study the current and future commercial markets for algae products and the challenges faced during the commercialisation process including the views from three different end markets.
Exclusive LGem and AlgaPARC Dual Site Visit – Tuesday 21st April 2015
During the afternoon of 21st April 2015 a limited number of conference attendees will receive a unique opportunity to visit both LGem and AlgaPARC facilities.
There is no extra charge to attend the site visit, but spaces are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis. Please register your attendance for the site visit when booking for the conference.
Algae cultivation plant owners and operators, leading algae/biomass research institutes, technology providers for cultivation, harvesting, dewatering, drying, oil extraction and processing, plant engineers and constructors, algae end market users, biofuel producers and green energy & biotech investors.
Lallemand Inc * William Grant & Sons Limited * Munich Reinsurance Company * Rafineria Trzebinia S.A. * EID Parry (India) Limited * DSM Biotechnology Center * Synthetic Genomics * National Food Institute / DTU-Food * SABIC * Yodfat Engineers Ltd. Israel * Technische Universität München* AgroTech A/S * Plastica Alfa S.r.l. * Ben-Gurion University of the Negev * SCHOTT AG * Korea Institute of Energy Research * Algenuity * Algae Natural Food * Aqualia FCC * Bio Alians Technologie * ON * Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) * National Technical University of Athens * Georg Fischer DEKA GmbH * A4f * Atlantic Venture Capital Partners * Florence University * AlgoSource Technologies * Innovas Waste Technologies * Lgem B.v * GF Piping Systems * Buggypower (Portugal) Lda * Algaetech International * Universidade Federal De Viçosa * Darmstadt University of Technology * VITO * NNFCC * Mälardalens Högskola * Proviron * Subitec GmbH * MicroA AS * MicroBio Engineering, Inc. * Invest in Iceland * Deeside Water Company * Scottish Marine Institute (SAMS) * REAGECON * UniVerve Ltd * Klueber Lubrication Muenchen SE & Co. KG * SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture * Evodos * ENZA ZADEN * Algae World * Giunta Nicola Construction Limited * Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research * Valagro* Star Chemicals * Samconsult S.A. * DECHEMA Exhibitions * Solix BioSystems Vostok * CEA Grenoble * Utah State University * PKN ORLEN S.A. * Toux Algae * Dr Behr GmbH * KADECO * AITEX * Clariant * WesTech Engineering * Drie Wilgen Development * Umeå University * Delta Biofuel * Plymouth Marine Laboratory * Neem Biotech Ltd * Orkla Health * TomAlgae * INFORS HT * IB Network Norway * TECHNA SA * The Knowledge Transfer Network * Nattviken Invest AB * Algkraft * Suez Environnement * Qatar University – Algal Technologies Program * Centre for Process Innovation Limited (CPI) * BDI-BioEnergy International * QinetiQ Space * Adisseo * Biomasa Peninsular S.A. * Vinderen Sp. Z O.o. Fermentalg * Actives International * Olmix Group – Amadeite * Joule and many more…