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17th Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Summit

Date: 27th October 2021 - 28th October 2021 Location: Brussels - Belgium

ACI’s 17th Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Summit will take place in Brussels, Belgium on the 27th & 28th October 2021.

For the 2021 European edition, the conference will explore the on-going & future CO2 utilisation projects, the importance of creating partnership through industrial clusters, best practices of LCAs, as well as the policy & regulations that can help strengthen the industry and the latest technology developments.
The two day event will also focus on the diverse uses of CO2 – chemicals, e-fuels, mineralisation and other market potential, through case studies. The conference participants will be able to take advantage of the different panel discussions and Q&A to gain a deeper understanding of the projects presented and interact both with the speakers and their fellow attendees.

Join us in Brussels next October for a highly interactive & informative conference, whilst enjoying the networking opportunities with your peers.


27th October 2021
28th October 2021
Event Category:


Joachim Knight – Delegate Sales
+48 616 467 037
Rohan Baryah – Marketing & Delegate Sales
+48 (0) 61 646 7022
Joachim Knight – Delegate Sales
+48 616 467 037
Joachim Knight – Delegate Sales
+48 616 467 037
Joachim Knight – Delegate Sales
+48 616 467 037


nhow Brussels Bloom
Rue Royale 250
Brussels, 1210 Belgium

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+32 2 220 66 11
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For this 8th edition of the event in Europe (17th edition of the global series), we have gathered some key industry players to form an advisory committee and help us build the conference agenda, on top of our research.

  • Christoph Guertler, Head of Catalysis and Technology Incubation, Covestro
  • Diego Santamaria Razo, Director Innovation Centre for Sustainable Construction, CRH
  • Matthijs Ruitenbeek, R&D Manager (Hydrocarbon R&D), Dow
  • Gunnar Holen, CEO, Nordic Blue Crude
  • Massimiliano Sala, Syngas & fertilizers Product Lead, SAIPEM
  • Riitta Silvennoinen, Director Future Energy Business, Renewable Energy, St1
  • Oskar Meijerink, Business Development Manager, SkyNRG
  • David Nevicato, Research Program Manager- CO2/CCUS, Total


  • Featuring On-going & Future European CO2 Utilisation Projects
  • Industrial & Companies Clusters: Challenges & Opportunities
  • Life Cycle Assessment – Best Practices
  • Supporting the Industry through Policy & Regulation
  • Latest Technologies Development
  • CO2 to Chemicals
  • CO2 to E-fuels
  • CO2 Mineralisation
  • Exploring Other End-Markets Potential


ArcelorMittal’s Steelanol Plant

Ghent, Belgium – Tuesday 26th October 2021

During the afternoon of Tuesday 26th October, prior to the conference, a limited number of attendees will receive the unique opportunity to visit ArcelorMittal’s Steelanol plant.

ArcelorMittal is constructing at  its site in Ghent, Belgium, a pioneering new installation which will convert carbon-containing gas from its blast furnaces into bioethanol. If proved successful, the new concept has the potential to revolutionise blast furnace carbon emissions capture and support the decarbonisation of the transport sector. The Steelanol plant is the first installation of its kind on an industrial scale in Europe and once complete, annual production of bioethanol at Ghent is expected to reach around 80 million litres, which will yield an annual CO2 saving equivalent to putting 100,000 electrical cars on the road. The new installation will create up to 500 construction jobs over the next two years and 20 to 30 new permanent direct jobs. Commissioning and first production is expected by mid-2021. The application of this microbial gas conversion system significantly advances ArcelorMittal’s carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) capabilities and enhances steel’s role in the circular economy. ArcelorMittal’s long-term aspiration is to become a zero-waste business, with all materials used or generated during steel production recuperated, treated and reused in the production chain or becoming the raw materials for other industries.

There is no extra charge to attend the site visit, but spaces are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis. Please register your attendance for the site visit when booking for the conference.


Site Visit Itinerary

12:30 Start of the site visit registration at the conference venue/centre of Brussels
13:00 Departure from conference venue to ArcelorMittal’s Steelanol Plant
14:30 Arrival at ArcelorMittal’s Steelanol Plant
14:40 Welcome address & presentation of the plant
15:40 Tour of the plant
16:10 End of tour for the last group, Q&A and networking refreshments
16:40 Departure from the plant to the conference venue
18:00 Arrival at the conference venue


  • Gunnar Holen, CEO, Nordic Blue Crude
  • Àngels Orduña Cao, Executive Director, A.SPIRE
  • Wim van der Stricht, CTO, Technology Strategy, CO2 and Circular Economy, ArcelorMittal
  • Carmine Marzano, Research Programme Officer, European Commission
  • Barbara Olfe-Krautlein, Project Scientist, IASS Potsdam
  • Dr. Erin Schols, CEO & Senior Consultant, Linq Consulting & Management
  • Christoph Guertler, Head of Catalysis & Technology Incubation, Covestro
  • Jan Werry, Chief Technical Officer, Photanol
  • Dr. Jan Skocek, R&D Program Manager Carbonation Technologies, Global R&D, HeidelbergCement
  • Per-Olof Granström, EU Director, Carbon Capture & Storage Association
  • Timo Huhtisaari, Director, Sustainability, Communications & Public Affairs, St1 Oy
  • Markus Oles, Innovation Strategy & Projects, Thyssenkrupp AG
  • Vikram Balachandar, Manager, Frontier Economics
  • Anastasios Perimenis, Secretary General, CO2 Value Europe
  • Ralph-Uwe Dietrich, Research Group Leader Techno-Economic Assessment, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
  • Sophie Wilmet, Innovation Manager, Cefic
  • Tom Berg, Senior Consultant, Guidehouse
  • Robert Gresser, Innovation Consultant, I2V Innovation to Value
  • Dr. Pavan Manvi, Research Scientist, RWTH Aachen University
  • Dr. Seungwoo Kang, Bioenergy Analyst, The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
  • Alba Soler, Science Associate – Low Carbon Pathways, Concawe
  • Amar Bhardwaj, Researcher, Columbia University
  • Daniel Marenne, Industrial Energy Solution Architect, Engie
  • Tore Sylvester Jeppesen, Business Development Director, Haldor Topsoe
  • Energy companies investing in R&D
  • Oil, gas and chemical companies with Alternative energy departments
  • Governments looking for investable R&D in the energy sector
  • Biofuel companies
  • Power to gas/liquids fuels
  • Industrial Chemical sector
  • Start-up technology companies
  • Chemical product manufacturers
  • Fuel & Biofuel technology companies
  • Perhaps the venture capital firms
  • Clean energy technology companies
  • Oil and gas services companies
  • Gases and engineering companies
  • Petrochemical consulting companies


Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417; CODEN: ASPCC7) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on all aspects of applied natural sciences published semimonthly online by MDPI.

Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.

High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), Inspec, CAPlus / SciFinder, and many other databases.

Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 14.1 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 2.7 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2020).



With more than 51,000 members and an international publishing and knowledge business we are the UK’s professional body for chemical scientists, supporting and representing our members and bringing together chemical scientists from all over the world.

A not-for-profit organisation with a heritage that spans 170 years, we have an ambitious international vision for the future. Around the world, we invest in educating future generations of scientists. We raise and maintain standards. We partner with industry and academia, promoting collaboration and innovation. We advise governments on policy. And we promote the talent, information and ideas that lead to great advances in science.



The Spanish CO2 Technology Platform (PTECO2) is an initiative developed by Spain’s private sector, research centres and universities. It is partly funded by the Ministry of Finance, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) and contains representatives of that ministry and also of the Ministries of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda (MINETAD) and Agriculture and Fishing, and Food and the Environment (MAPAMA).

PTECO2’s chief goal is to create a favourable environment for investment in R&D and innovation, foster the creation of an innovative business fabric and increase technological capacity in processes for efficiency improvement and carbon capture, utilization and storage, CCUS, and to support the rolling out of these technologies in industry.

Since 2012, PTECO2 has a specific working group focus in “CO2 uses” whose members are trying to boost the uses and transformation of CO2 in Spain.


The Institute for International Co-operation (INICOP) is a non-profit organisation. The main aim is to improve and support the worldwide co-operation of single persons and organisations in the field of research, science and technology. INICOP provides a webbased platform which summarises relevant information improving international co-operation. This shall be achieved by the collection of the following data:

  • events, conferences, fairs and workshops
  • instruments for the funding of international co-operation
  • Awards and competitions
  • organisations which are interested in the exchange of scientists, students, etc.




Founded in 1897 the Association, with more than 90 member companies, is the only association representing the entire coal value chain from coal mining groups to electricity and steel producers, cement manufacturers, shipping firms, terminal operators, maritime agents, surveyors, engineering companies, boiler makers, bulk handling equipment manufacturers.

With its headquarter in Rome, Italy, and with a representation in London and Brussels, on a national level the Association is a member of the Employers Association Energy Group and sits on the Board of Directors of the Fuel Experimental Station of Milan (a leading fuel research entity within the Ministry of Industry and Trade ). On an international level, Assocarboni is member of Euracoal (European Association for Coal and Lignite), of CAG (Coal Advisory Group) – a European Commission working group involved in coal research grants – of WCI (World Coal Institute) in London, of CIAB (Coal Industry Advisory Board) – a section of the International Energy Agency of Paris, which brings togethmore than 40 companies (both energy producing and electric generation companies) from 14 different countries – and of the “Working Party on Coal” of the ECE-UN Energy Committee in Geneva.

Since 1999 Andrea Clavarino is the Assocarboni Chairman. Mr. Clavarino has been working with the Coeclerici Group since 1980, where he holds today the position of Coeclerici Logistics CEO. Mr Clavarino is also member of the CIAB – Coal Industry Advisory Board, the consultative body of the International Energy Agency of Paris.


” Chemical Industry Digest India’s leading chemical and engineering monthly is read by engineers, scientists and technical personnel from top management to plant levels.  Industry coverage: oil & gas, refineries, petrochemicals, fertilizers and other agrochemicals to all downstream like drugs & pharma, other  fine chemicals, colorants etc apart from EPC & equipment  companies.

Features articles and write-ups on current developments, state – of – the – art technologies, process improvements, equipment design and operation, chemical plant engineering and operations, maintenance, energy management, environment and safety.  Additionally, there are news features, company and people profiles, interviews, in fact a diversity of features making the journal very interesting and readable.  Mini directories of manufacturers of various process equipment and providers of services are published regularly which facilitates sourcing.

Chemical Industry Digest is particularly known for its qualitative content with practical relevance for readers in process industries.  Also organizes the Calibre workshops on operational topics of the chemical industry like Mixing, Separations, Energy Management etc.  Those who want to promote their products and services in India can reach a very targeted top level technical audience who influence decisions, through Chemical Industry Digest. ”


In 2008, Alternative Energy Africa became the continent’s first magazine dedicated to literally filling the energy information gap in Africa. Alternative Energy Africa provides its readers updates on private sector projects, government initiatives, business and investment news, and strategies for a thriving alternative/renewable energy market on the African continent. And to complement the magazine, www.AE-Africa.com offers the latest updates between issues making the AEA web portal and magazine duo “the premiere source” of RE information covering the African continent.

Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL, ISSN 1875-418X) is a comprehensive and innovative information service with a focus on oil-gas-energy law, regulation, treaties, judicial and arbitral cases, voluntary guidelines, tax and contracting, including the oil-gas-energy geopolitics. See www.ogel.org for more details on published issues and details on how to contribute.

ASD Media is an online media company. We provide professionals in dedicated markets with news, intelligence, and interaction opportunities. During the last five years we developed dedicated websites for events, reports, news distribution and source data, and changed the name of the ASD-Network to ASDNews to emphasize the news focus.



BiogasWorld is a business generation network and online marketplace, connecting product and services suppliers with project developers. We accelerate the biogas and RNG/biomethane industry worldwide.

We specialize in:

  •   Market knowledge to generate business leads efficiently
  •   Project support to find solutions
  •   Reliable network to find partners and build relations
  •   Market intelligence to support our clients’ growth

With more than 120 clients and partners from all over the world, BiogasWorld is a leader in finding solutions in biogas/RNG industry.



Biobased Press (www.biobasedpress.eu) is an independent, non-sponsored website that takes a helicopter view of the biobased economy: it discusses business and research, and links the biobased economy to neighbouring areas like sustainability, biotechnology, energy, agriculture, policy and the economy. We also host the website www.precisioneconomy.com.

Worldoils is a company that combines the power of marketing as well as the in-house expertise for the Oil, Gas, Offshore and the Maritime industries. Worldoils’ web portal www.worldoils.com has become a truly central platform for visitors who need information regarding oil and gas products and services, research, training, conferences, news and events as well as a popular advertising base for providers of Oil, Gas, Marine and Offshore services. Worldoils has also launched the jobs system and a marketplace. In the recent months, Worldoils has strengthened its position as a fast developing central place for buying and selling of land rigs, offshore rigs, barge rigs and other oilfield and subsea equipment.

The mission of CO2 Value Europe is to promote the development and market deployment of sustainable industrial solutions that convert CO2 into valuable products, in order to contribute to the net reduction of global CO2 emissions and to the diversification of the feedstock base away from fossil oil and gas. Our vision is a future where CCU has become an integral part of a low carbon economy.

NobleNet is a dynamic new professional network designed exclusively for STEM markets. Established in 2020 by fellow STEM professionals, it offers fast, free networking, more relevant content, and great sourcing opportunities. We welcome everyone with interests in these rapidly changing and converging sectors, from students to CEO’s. Basic membership is free. www.noblenet.co

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At the event we strive not only to bring you to the same location at the same time as your customers/suppliers/peers, we strive to ensure you meet face-to-face with each and every one of your target contacts and to provide you with the time you need to have multiple unhurried conversations with them and build a lasting business relationship:

• A pre-event informal introduction the evening before the conference
• A minimum of five hours’ networking built into the two day conference agenda
• A networking grid which enables you to make your target contacts aware you are looking for them
• The option to join either social drinks or dinner during the evening of Day One
• ACI’s on-site team will assist you in locating your hard-to-find target contacts & make face-to-face introductions

Of course, if there is anybody you are unable to meet over the two days, ACI’s event team will do their best to initiate contact after the event.


ACI is doing everything to ensure that all its events go ahead as advertised, returning to the much-missed and valuable face-to-face interaction as soon as possible.  In order to ensure the events are delivered as safely as possible, venues are chosen and procedures are adjusted in line with the relevant local and regulations and guidelines.

These have been exceptionally challenging times with very fast-moving updates. As we get closer to an event we look at each one individually, paying careful heed to local regulations, but without ignoring the international situation. Whatever happens, ACI will safeguard the investments that attendees have made by either automatically moving it to the new dates of the event or a full credit will be provided for use when booking a future ACI event.


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