After an exciting & successful CO2 conference in Reykjavik last year, ACI’s 11th Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Summit is now heading to Manchester, UK on the 26th & 27th September 2018.
During this 6th European edition (11th of the global series), the conference will explore innovation developments and projects regarding CO2 utilisation in Europe, primarily.
After examining global industry matters, such as sustainability, policy & regulation, the role of CO2 reuse in the circular economy and LCA & techno-economic analysis methodologies; the conference will delve deeper into CO2 conversion methods, as well as actual applications/end-products from CO2.
The two days event will offer a series of case studies & interactive panel discussions, whilst allowing great opportunities for all the participants to network and create/solidify great business relationships.
Have a look at the detailed agenda to get further details on this year’s topics & speakers.
Exclusive Site Visit:
During the afternoon of Tuesday 25th September, prior to the conference, a limited number of attendees will receive the unique opportunity to visit Econic Technologies Plant, in Runcorn, UK.
See dedicated tab below for further information on the plant and the itinerary.
For this 6th edition of the event in Europe (11th edition of the global series), we have gathered some key industry players to form an advisory committee and help us build the conference agenda, on top of our research.
Econic Technologies Plant – Tuesday 25th September 2018
Clean-tech pioneer Econic Technologies’ new customer demonstration plant located at The Heath, Runcorn, UK is designed to show how its innovative catalyst technologies enable polyol manufactures to incorporate CO2 as a feedstock for more sustainable polyurethanes thus reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and utilising lower-cost greenhouse gas as an alternative. The facility comprises all elements of the unique, low pressure production process in a dedicated unit, which produces CO2-based polyol samples for in-house and customer application studies. Part funded by a European Union H2020 SME award, the plant has been engineered to scale current technologies and is adaptable for future step-out innovations from the company’s creative catalyst development team.
There is no extra charge to attend the site visit, but spaces are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis. Please notify your interest for the site visit when booking for the conference.
Please note that, due to compliance reasons, attendance is subject to approval from Econic.
Site Visit Itinerary
12:30 Start of the site visit registration at the conference venue
13:00 Departure from conference venue to the plant
13:50 Arrival at the plant
14:00 Welcome address & presentation from Econic
14:30 Tour of the plant
(The participants will be split into smaller groups to ensure a better experience.)
16:00 end of tour, Q&A and refreshments
16:40 Departure from the plant to the conference venue
17:40 Arrival at the conference venue
If you would like to be considered as a speaker for the event with a 20-30 minute presentation, please submit an abstract for consideration to:
Lauriane Pardoux
Tel: +44 (0)20 3141 0632
Email: [email protected]
Total is a major energy player committed to supplying affordable energy to a growing population, addressing climate change and meeting new customer expectations.
Those commitments guide what we do. With operations in more than 130 countries, we are a global integrated energy producer and provider, a leading international oil and gas company, and a major player in low-carbon energies. We explore for, produce, transform, market and distribute energy in a variety of forms, to serve the end customer.
Our 98,000 employees are committed to better energy that is safer, cleaner, more efficient, more innovative and accessible to as many people as possible. As a responsible corporate citizen, we focus on ensuring that our operations worldwide consistently deliver economic, social and environmental benefits.
Our ambition is to become the responsible energy major.
CO2 Solutions is an innovator in the field of enzyme-enabled carbon capture and has been actively working to develop and commercialize the technology for stationary sources of carbon pollution. CO2 Solutions’ technology lowers the cost barrier to Carbon Capture, Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS), positioning it as a viable CO2 mitigation tool, as well as enabling industry to derive profitable new products from these emissions. CO2 Solutions has built an extensive patent portfolio covering the use of carbonic anhydrase, or analogues thereof, for the efficient post-combustion capture of carbon dioxide with low‐energy aqueous solvents. Building on its carbon capture technology, CO2 Solutions is actively engaged in CO2 utilization through its leadership of the Valorisation Carbone Québec project.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is one of Europe’s leading research, development and innovation organisations. We help our customers and society to grow and renew through applied research. The business sector and society in general benefit most from VTT when we solve challenges requiring world-class know-how together, and convert them into business opportunities.
Econic Technologies is a highly innovative, fast growing catalyst technology company working with the plastics industry. We develop and commercialise novel catalyst technologies that enable our customers to build waste carbon dioxide (CO2) into bespoke polyols, which can be used to create polyurethanes and other polymers with unique high performance characteristics. Our technologies offer distinct economic benefits that can be deployed cost-effectively alongside existing assets while contributing to the clean tech agenda; manufacturers can replace up to 40% of their petrochemical feedstocks with low-cost captured CO2. The new generation catalysts allow manufacturers to closely tune the amount of CO2 contained within the polyol, which means they can create a flexible array of high performance benefits for myriad applications according to demand.
Econic Technologies started operations in 2011 based on a foundation catalyst technology that was developed at Imperial College London, one of the top research universities in Europe. Initial investors, Imperial Innovations and Norner Verdandi, supported the development of this technology for commercial applications. Continuing confidence in the huge potential for these catalysts has resulted in further investments from Jetstream Capital, Touchstone innovations and Woodford Investment Management and the business has now expanded into new premises at Alderley Park, Cheshire, UK. The move enables further expansion and progress as customers and partners capitalise on the economic, product flexibility and environmental benefits of the technologies.
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Chemical Search International specialises in global executive recruitment and career development for the chemical sector and related value-chain; resources, polymers and materials. Our team, based in Europe, Americas, Middle East and Asia offers clients top-quality services, penetrating sector experience and the best network in the business. We also own, the Chemical Executives Network. Please join us.
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The Spanish CO2 Technology Platform (PTECO2) is an initiative developed by Spain’s private sector, research centres and universities. It is partly funded by the Ministry of Finance, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC) and contains representatives of that ministry and also of the Ministries of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda (MINETAD) and Agriculture and Fishing, and Food and the Environment (MAPAMA).
PTECO2’s chief goal is to create a favourable environment for investment in R&D and innovation, foster the creation of an innovative business fabric and increase technological capacity in processes for efficiency improvement and carbon capture, utilization and storage, CCUS, and to support the rolling out of these technologies in industry.
Since 2012, PTECO2 has a specific working group focus in “CO2 uses” whose members are trying to boost the uses and transformation of CO2 in Spain.
The Institute for International Co-operation (INICOP) is a non-profit organisation. The main aim is to improve and support the worldwide co-operation of single persons and organisations in the field of research, science and technology. INICOP provides a webbased platform which summarises relevant information improving international co-operation. This shall be achieved by the collection of the following data:
EUBIA is a non- profit association, established in Brussels (Belgium) in 1996. Its aim consists on promoting a sustainable use of biomass as a source of energy and the cooperation among stakeholders within the bioenergy field. The organisation represents the interest of its members, SMEs, Research Institutes, Universities and Companies working in the field of biomass across Europe.
EUBIA, as well as its members, are involved on several EU funded projects, H2020, LIFE+ and BBI among others. We are committed on informing the industry on the latest legislative and technological developments of the market, as well as strengthening European policies, protecting industrial interest while preserving the environment, identifying new opportunities, promoting job creation and a sustainable development worldwide.
Learn more about EUBIA at:
Founded in 1897 the Association, with more than 90 member companies, is the only association representing the entire coal value chain from coal mining groups to electricity and steel producers, cement manufacturers, shipping firms, terminal operators, maritime agents, surveyors, engineering companies, boiler makers, bulk handling equipment manufacturers.
With its headquarter in Rome, Italy, and with a representation in London and Brussels, on a national level the Association is a member of the Employers Association Energy Group and sits on the Board of Directors of the Fuel Experimental Station of Milan (a leading fuel research entity within the Ministry of Industry and Trade ). On an international level, Assocarboni is member of Euracoal (European Association for Coal and Lignite), of CAG (Coal Advisory Group) – a European Commission working group involved in coal research grants – of WCI (World Coal Institute) in London, of CIAB (Coal Industry Advisory Board) – a section of the International Energy Agency of Paris, which brings togethmore than 40 companies (both energy producing and electric generation companies) from 14 different countries – and of the “Working Party on Coal” of the ECE-UN Energy Committee in Geneva.
Since 1999 Andrea Clavarino is the Assocarboni Chairman. Mr. Clavarino has been working with the Coeclerici Group since 1980, where he holds today the position of Coeclerici Logistics CEO. Mr Clavarino is also member of the CIAB – Coal Industry Advisory Board, the consultative body of the International Energy Agency of Paris.
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Advanced Biofuels USA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Its purpose is to promote public understanding, acceptance, and use of advanced biofuels; to promote research, development and improvement of advanced biofuels technologies, production, marketing and delivery; and to promote the sustainable development, cultivation and processing of advanced biofuels crops, and agricultural and forestry residues and wastes. is a multilingual hypermarket run by TD The Market Publishers LTD. The platform unites business players from all over the world & provides circulation of business information in the form of market research reports & analytical data. We feature over 10 years of experience in sales and promotion of research reports at international and local markets. boasts of more than 35,000 registered customers estimated at the beginning of 2012. 30% of our regular customers are Fortune 500 companies. We have around 10,000 daily & 3,000,000 annual web-site visitors
Chemical Search International specialises in executive search and career development for the global chemicals sector and value-chain; polymers, materials, natural resources and biosciences. All our consultants are highly experienced professionals from these industries and are leveraged by a worldwide advisory board of industry experts. We have an unrivalled reputation for quality, integrity and delivering better candidates, faster. We also offer bespoke executive coaching and offer exclusive networking opportunities via our dedicated executive network with over 38,000 members and growing. Please join us.
Bioenergy International is an English language subscription-based trade publication with allied web platform and is focused on the biomass-to-energy value chains; solid, liquid or gas. Founded in 2001 it is based in Stockholm, Sweden and owned by SBSAB, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Swedish Bioenergy Association, SVEBIO.
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35 people are attending 11th Carbon Dioxide Utilisation Summit