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13th Arctic Shipping Summit

Date: 5th December 2018 - 6th December 2018 Location: Hamburg - Germany

ACI’s Arctic Shipping Summit is moving to an exciting new location in Hamburg, Germany for its 13th edition in the series and will take on a new look for December 2018. ACI are bringing together stakeholders from all parts of the Arctic to discuss their involvement in the ever changing Northern Shipping Route.

The two day conference will bring together companies and organisations such as National Coastguards, Senior Arctic Government Officials, Shipping Companies, LNG Projects, Lawyers, P&I Clubs, Arctic Researchers and Lecturers and many more. This will allow for an interactive and open conference which can provide each agent with as much networking and discussion as possible.

The following topics will be discussed at the 2018 event:

  • The Polar Code: Where does The Industry Currently Stand
  • Examining New Arctic Infrastructure Developments
  • Insurance Concerns- Understanding Risk in Arctic Shipping
  • Assessing the Geo-Political Landscape in the Arctic: How does this effect The Shipping Industry?
  • Shipping in the Arctic: Practical Case Studies of Operations
  • Arctic Cruises: How is This Emerging Industry Evolving?
  • Meeting Training Requirements and Guaranteeing Crew Competence
  • The Future of Arctic Shipping


5th December 2018
6th December 2018
Event Category:


Mohammad Ahsan – Marketing & Delegate Sales
+44 (0) 203 141 0606
Hubert Sosnowski – Sponsorship, Exhibition
+48 61 646 7059
Mohammad Ahsan – Marketing & Delegate Sales
+44 (0) 203 141 0606
Mohammad Ahsan – Marketing & Delegate Sales
+44 (0) 203 141 0606
Joanna Mieloch – Delegate Sales
+48 (0) 61 646 7036


SIDE Design Hotel Hamburg
Drehbahn 49
Hamburg, 20354 Germany

+ Google Map

+49 40 309990
View Venue Website
  • The Polar Code: Where does The Industry Currently Stand
  • Examining New Arctic Infrastructure Developments
  • Insurance Concerns- Understanding Risk in Arctic Shipping
  • Assessing the Geo-Political Landscape in the Arctic: How does this effect The Shipping Industry?
  • Shipping in the Arctic: Practical Case Studies of Operations
  • Arctic Cruises: How is This Emerging Industry Evolving?
  • Meeting Training Requirements and Guaranteeing Crew Competence
  • The Future of Arctic Shipping

The Arctic Portal is a comprehensive gateway to Arctic information and data on the internet, increasing information sharing and co-operation among arctic stakeholders and granting exposure to arctic related information and data.

The Arctic Portal is an IPY-project, operated in consultation and co-operation with members of the Arctic Council and its Working Groups, Permanent Participants, Observers and other Arctic Stakeholders.

Providing communication and outreach consultation and www presence to numerous important Arctic Organisations and projects The Arctic Portal is a network of information and data sharing and serves as host to many important web sites in a circumpolar context, supporting co-operation  and outreach in science, education, and policy making.

The portal is managed as a non-profitable organization, located in Akureyri, Iceland, under an international board of directors.

On going projects and further developments include: Virtual Learning Tools project, Uarctic atlas project and Arctic Cooperation Network Iceland project.



PRO-ARCTIC is a leading Russian independent information analytical web portal dedicated to the responsible and sustainable development of resources in the Arctic.

Covering LNG, offshore and onshore energy projects development, , maritime industry, telecom, logistics and infrastructure development the portal is as an one-stop  platform for both Russian and international professionals and industry experts to share experience on the most pressing questions related to the development of resources in the Far North.

Visitors can review the latest news, learn about new technologies applied in severe conditions of the Arctic as well as read interviews of the leading experts in this area.

Our main audience is Russian and foreign energy industry and maritime and telecom professionals, representatives of public authorities, regional organizations, consulting and investment companies, scientists and industry experts

PRO-ARCTIC is a long-term media-partner of key arctic-themed russian and worldwide events dedicated to energy, maritime and infrastructure projects in the Arctic.



Marine & Maritime Gazette is read across the globe by professionals within the marine, renewables and offshore industries. On a monthly basis the publication focuses on salient news, reviews and features across the whole of the industry. The printed copy of the magazine is circulated to industry professionals and decision makers across the UK and Europe and the digital version hits a unique Worldwide circulation.


The Nautical Institute

The Nautical Institute is the international professional body for qualified seafarers and others with an interest in nautical matters. It provides a wide range of services to enhance the professional standing and knowledge of members who are drawn from all sectors of the maritime world. Founded in 1972, it has nearly 50 branches worldwide and some 7,000 members in 120 countries.


Daily Offer of jobs into the maritime, port and logistics sectors News, Vessels, Companies, Ports, Customs, Events … Oferta diaria de empleos en los sectores marítimo-portuario y logístico Noticias, Buques, Empresas, Puertos, Aduanas, Eventos …


Maritime Connector

Maritime Connector brings the latest vacancies in the maritime industry. With over 84.000 registered seafarers and over 2.000 maritime companies and recruitment agencies we collaborate with, Maritime Connector is the ultimate place to find job at sea as well as seagoing personnel. Maritime Connector web portal contains everything a maritime professional needs; maritime news, maritime events and maritime jobs all at one place. We help seafarers to find new job opportunities and boost their careers. At the other hand, we help maritime recruiters to find their crew fast and to stay in line with the latest trends in recruitment.

Global Maritime Hub

Global Maritime Hub is the gateway to information on the Global Shipping industry. We are an online resource where you will find the providers of shipping information, consulting services, shipping jobs, market reports, market data and analysis – all conveniently gathered for you into one ‘hub’.



Worldoils is a company that combines the power of marketing as well as the in-house expertise for the Oil, Gas, Offshore and the Maritime industries. Worldoils’ web portal www.worldoils.com has become a truly central platform for visitors who need information regarding oil and gas products and services, research, training, conferences, news and events as well as a popular advertising base for providers of Oil, Gas, Marine and Offshore services. Worldoils has also launched the jobs system and a marketplace. In the recent months, Worldoils has strengthened its position as a fast developing central place for buying and selling of land rigs, offshore rigs, barge rigs and other oilfield and subsea equipment.

Inside Marine

Inside Marine is a highly respected magazine covering the whole spectrum of important maritime sectors on a global scale. Covering areas from shipbuilding, superyachts, commercial marine and offshore activities to the latest maritime technologies and in-depth company profiles, the magazine is targeted at and read by directors and the high-end management brackets.

Publishing five editions per year and circulated in both hard and virtual formats, Inside Marine has gained a reputation as a leading voice throughout the maritime industry. By working closely with many companies, leading industry experts and partnering many major maritime exhibitions, Inside Marine is helping everyone involved connect the seven seas and five oceans with one voice.



Universal Freight Organisation (UFO) was formed in January 2000 and today the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified association boasts representation in 120+ countries. UFO are proud to have maintained a ‘One Member per Country’ policy (with the exception of USA and China), making them one of the only remaining exclusive freight forwarder networks in the world.

Project Cargo Network

Project Cargo Network (PCN) is an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified organisation established to provide a networking platform for the world’s top project cargo specialists. Our Members handle the transportation of oversized and heavy items or shipments that consist of complex components that must be disassembled, shipped and then re-assembled. They offer project cargo management for engineering, procurement and construction companies servicing energy, mining, chemical, petrochemical, pipeline, infrastructure and other sectors. Our fast-growing organisation comprises of 220+ specialists in 105+ countries. Visit www.projectcargonetwork.com.


Cargo Connections

Cargo Connections was formed in the summer of 2014 and offers Restricted Representation, which means membership will only be offered to a limited number of freight forwarders who offer air, sea and road freight services per country. With a cutting-edge website, Cargo Connections offers innovative membership benefits including a useful Smartphone Service.


Freightbook is a growing online searchable database containing profiles of 1500+ freight forwarders in 140+ countries. To obtain rates and advice on a shipment, please complete our Quote Request form. Our simple but effective system enables you to obtain advice and pricing from all registered freight agents in the country of origin, thus providing a variety of options. Alternatively, please search our database and contact companies directly www.freightbook.net.


Marasi news is a UAE bi-monthly magazine with a major focus on maritime industry locally, regionally and internationally. Marasi News served as the most reliable source of information for the maritime sector offering timely, consistently accurate news, data and analysis from the top decision makers in the industry. The magazine is published by Tactics Media & Information Design.

Marasi News Mission

To deliver the latest news related to Maritime industry and Classification Sector in UAE and the region, and to become the preliminary platform that enhances the awareness and interest about the role of maritime sector for both national and regional economy & security.

GlobalShippingCareer logo

Job Portal for Shipping Marine Maritime Offshore Oil & Gas Jobs

www.globalshippingcareers.com list vacancies from prominent companies, leading recruitment organizations & crewing companies around the world.

Job seekers

Whether it is in a vibrant maritime hub such as Singapore, London, Hong Kong & Oslo or sailing in a super yacht in Mediterranean find your dream job 24/7 ease of a click.


Maritime recruiters can source talent around the globe at ease of a click by advertising vacancies with us.

Whether it is a Technical Superintendent in Singapore, Terminal operations manager in Dubai or Marine Engineer in Brazil, we connect them all.

Join the elite recruiters and find the ideal candidate swiftly, to get a FREE trial account contact us.

Link: http://www.globalshippingcareers.com/


For 152 years HANSA is one of the leading magazines for the maritime industry and the oldest journal of its kind in Europe. Founded in 1864 HANSA was continuously enhanced to a modern, contemporary magazine with a unique coverage of the whole shipping cluster. Today, the monthly is a trusted source of information for decision makers in the maritime industry and provides in-depth and unrivaled analyses and insights covering newest developments and trends in shipping, ship technology, port operations, logistics, law and tax, in the offshore sector and the insurance business as well as in ship financing – up-to-date and technically sound with the highest total circulation of all maritime journals published in Germany.

Link: http://www.hansa-online.de/index.html


SAFETY4SEA / GREEN4SEA foster Safety, Environmental Excellence & Sustainable Shipping including Leading Maritime Safety Portal www.SAFETY4SEA.comGreen Portalwww.GREEN4SEA.com, World’s Largest Safety & Green Conferences, attracting 1000+ delegates each every year and print publications (SAFETY4SEA Log, GREEN4SEA Log, RISK4SEA Log and CSR4SEA Log) circulated in excess of 100,000 copies globally.


The international business magazine JURA MOPE SEA published in English, Chinese, Russian, and Lithuanian languages, is well known in the international market and to the transport, logistics specialists, leaders of transport business and politicians of the Eurasian region since 1999.

The magazine is published 6 times per year with the circulation of 4-8 thousand paper copies.

Each issue is distributed in several international transport and logistics events in Europe and Asia, Airports in Lithuania, DFDS Seaways ferries and in other places.

All the publications of the magazine can be found on the website www.jura.lt and www.coscc.ebizchina.net

Our readers are the leaders and managers of transport business, politicians, diplomats, scientists, students, analysts of maritime and transport business in more than 150 countries worldwide.

JŪRA MOPE  SEA is published by the private company Juru Informacijos Centras (The Center of Marine Information Ltd)


SHIP2SHORE_nuovo logo istituzionale ENG

Ship2Shore is one of the most successful on-line magazines in the Mediterranean region and the leading news provider in Italy exploring the financial, economical, political and legal aspects of the transports industry.

News are published daily on the website, whereas a weekly pdf magazine, published on Monday and announced by a newsletter, offers a complete overview of the most important topics as well as in-depth analysis, interviews and further stories.

A free trial is available by signing up on www.ship2shore.it/english

Maritime Matrix Today logo_S

Maritime Matrix Today monthly magazine encompasses and portrays various sectors of the maritime trade including shipbuilding, ship repair, marine technology, logistics, ports, freight forwarding, dredging, coastal shipping, inland waterways, energy management, offshore, oil & gas, environmental issues, maritime infrastructure, shipping law, cruising, leisure boating, manning, training, and marine insurance.

Link- http://www.maritimematrix.net/


Launched in April 2009, MONTHLY KORSHIP which marks 7th anniversary this year is dedicated to shipbuilding & offshore industries. KORSHIP has approximately 50,000 online and offline subscribers in domestic/overseas shipbuilding industries. In the shipbuilding & offshore industries, about 2,000 companies and employees related to marine equipment, offshore plant facility, equipment, etc., have signed up to receive the issues of KORSHIP, including major domestic shipyards.

In particular, KORSHIP was selected as media partner of world’s leading exhibitions such as KORMARINE, Gastech, SMM, etc., increasing the reliability as a magazine with strong focus on shipbuilding and offshore industries. KORSHIP is the only publication both at home and abroad serving as official media partner of KORMARINE.

Link: http://www.korship.co.kr/ship/ 


Information and Analytical Agency PortNews (IAA PortNews http://en.portnews.ru ) is the leading provider of maritime news in Russia covering both domestic and international markets. On-line news and analytical materials related to port services, sea and river transport, shipping and shipbuilding placed at the agency’s portal are available on open access. The audience of the portal’s Russian and English pages numbers about 8,000 regular readers. Our readership covers the territory from the North-West to the Far East of Russia as well as 60 countries worldwide.


www.rotterdamtransport.com has more than 10.000 pages of free information about the largest port of Europe.

The website contains over 2200 company profiles located in the port of Rotterdam divided in hundreds of branches, worldwide connections by Sea, Road, Inland-Shipping, Railway Traffic and Air, world port maps and thousands of management persons.

All in all this website furnishes you with an consummate overview of what the largest port of Europe has to offer you.

Uitgeverij Logistiek was publisher of the Rotterdam Transport Handbook, the reference book of the Port of Rotterdam for over 40 years. Since 2015 the complete contents is only available on our English, German and Dutch website.

So find out yourself why www.rotterdamtransport.com has visitors from all over the world!


The Maritime Standard (TMS) is a Dubai-based media company, which publishes a fortnightly online newsletter that covers developments in the shipping, ports and other maritime industries in the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent. TMS delivers the most accurate, up-to-date news about the market and has built up the largest circulation of any shipping-related online newsletter in this region.

TMS also publishes the very successful The Maritime Standard UAE Yearbook covering key developments across the country’s maritime sector, the annual publication aims to publicise the UAE’s achievements both locally and internationally, through in depth articles, researched first hand.

Link: https://www.themaritimestandard.com/

Oil and Gas Advancement is an information-centric knowledge sharing platform focused on the latest news in the B2B oil and gas sector bringing to our audiences B2B updates on upstream, downstream, pipeline and transport categories providing information on the latest projects and developments.



Maritime Security Review is the premier, free-to-consume resource for maritime professionals to keep up to date with industry news.  We provide an overview of the top stories, along with unique insights into areas of particular interest.

Covering commercial shipping, super yachts, offshore installations, ports and infrastructure, Maritime Security Review keeps subscribers updated on the latest developments and areas of risk. We carefully select the most relevant articles for our readers and provide insight and analysis into pressing issues.

Through the MSR website, social media networks and our weekly newsletter an experienced editorial team of journalists, commentators and industry experts contribute a wealth of news, features and insight into the current global security issues, the legal aspects of maritime security and the latest developments in security technology.

Visit us as www.marsecreview.com, or subscribe to our email mailing list at http://www.marsecreview.com/why-subscribe/sign-up/.

Clocate.com is a leading international directory for worldwide conferences and exhibitions. Clocate.com is equipped with a unique and comprehensive search that helps you find easily any event in any category or location. Each event includes detailed information, like, description, dates, location, map, prices, link to the official event’s website and more… If you search for a conference or exhibition in areas such as Industry and manufacturing, Health and medicine, Technology and IT, Business and finance, sciences, education, services (banking, insurance, tourism, Hospitality and more), government, environment, life style and arts, you’ll find it in Clocate.com.



If you would to be considered as a Media Partners for this event, please contact Mohammad Ahsan on +44 (0) 20 3141 0606 or [email protected]

  • Yakov Antonov, General Director, Northern Shipping Company (JSC NSC, Arkhangelsk)
  • Phillipe Cambos, Technical Director, Bureau Veritas
  • Lena Holm Saxtoft, Assistant Vice President, Claims, Skuld
  • Keld Qvistgaard, Senior Ice Advisor, Danish Meteorological Institute
  • Mikaa Mered, Professor of Arctic Economics & Geo-Politics, Free Institute of International Relations Studies
  • Paul Wilkinson, Solicitor, Gorrissen Federspiel
  • Halldor Johanssen, Executive Director, Arctic Portal
  • Stefan Voss, Chair of the Institute, University of Hamburg
  • Sigurd Enge, Manager – Shipping And Arctic Issues, Bellona Foundation
  • Patrick Eriksson, Senior Ice Analyst, Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)
  • Paul Holthus, Founding President And CEO, World Ocean Council
  • Marco Graziotto, Director, Arctic Bulk AG
  • Phillip Buhler, Partner, Moseley Prichard Parrish Knight & Jones
  • Jan Emblemsvåg, Senior Vice President – Ship Design & Systems, Nov Midsund Bruk
  • Victoria Kalina, Business Development Manager, Reflex Marine Ltd

If you would like to be considered as a speaker for the event with a 30-45 minute presentation, please submit an abstract for consideration to:

Mikhail Kryukov

Tel: +44 (0)20 3141 0649

Email: [email protected]

  • National Coastguards
  • Senior Arctic Government Officials
  • Shipping Companies
  • Cruise Companies
  • LNG Projects
  • Lawyers
  • P&I Clubs
  • Arctic Researchers
  • Lecturers
  • Technology providers
  • Consultants

Reflex Marine is a personnel access solution provider serving the maritime and offshore energy industries. The company is dedicated to managing risks, increasing efficiency and improving safety standards.

With over twenty years’ experience, Reflex Marine is widely recognised as a global leader in offshore access. The company is best known for the FROG transfer carrier which is now an industry benchmark.

The FROG-XT range, a successor of the FROG and launched in 2014, was designed for challenging offshore conditions offering a safe and flexible solution for operators. FROG-XT is available in 4, 6 and 10 person capacities and can be used in Arctic conditions.

Reflex Marine carriers are involved in over a million safe passenger transfers every year and can be combined with HAWK deck motion monitoring system to further improve safety and efficiency.

The HAWK system uses real time measurements of vessel movement to determine the safe transfer window, this has enabled vessel companies to reduce waiting times by up to 50%.

Clients are supported globally with servicing and training through Reflex Marine’s network of Approved Partners.

Reflex Marine is looking forward to helping offshore companies across the globe increase their operational efficiency and safety standards while reducing costs.




The town of Fuglafjørður, stretching around the head of a deep fjord by the same name, offer an excellent naturel harbour that is accessible under all weather conditions. The quay is some 1200 meters in length and a draft 6 – 14 meters.

In the Port of Fuglafjørður you will find:

  • All kinds of mechanical and electrical repairs
  • All kinds of supplies and repairs of fishing gear
  • Provisions, bonds etc.
  • Bunkers
  • Waste oil depot
  • Fresh water
  • Abt. 1000 m of quay-side
  • Draft 6 – 14 m
  • Cold storage 30.000 m3

Fuglafjarðar Havn

Tel: +298 238054

Fax: +298 445154

Email: [email protected]

Web: portogfuglafjordur.com



ACI has put together a range of packages to suit your requirements. These range from branding options, to full scale partner solutions and can be tailored to meet your objectives and budgets.

If you are launching a new product or service and wish to gain visibility and brand recognition within your industry, contact us today!

For commercial opportunities, please contact:

Hubert Sosnowski

Tel: +48 (0) 61 646 9780

Email: [email protected]


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