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ACI would like to thank everybody who submitted nominations for the Women in Focus 2022 Presentation of the Year Award. Our nominees covered an array of topics including the impact of refinery dynamics on base oil pricing, preparing for the impact of alternative marine fuels on lubricants and new challenges & opportunities for the lubricant industry resulting from changes to the EU regulatory space amongst others. As always, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through all the nominations. However, as we know there can only be one winner.
It is my pleasure to announce Harriet Brice, Technology Manager at Lubrizol Limited in the Large Engine business unit, as the winner of Base Oil & Lubes Connect’s 2022 Presentation of the Year Award. Joining Lubrizol in 2016, Harriet specialises in formulating Lubrizol’s Marine Engine lubricant additive product lines for low-speed crosshead two-stroke and medium speed four-stroke engines. Harriet’s presentation covered current and future alternative fuels including LNG, methanol, biofuels & ammonia. She outlined the different impacts each can have on engine lubricants and hardware, providing some comfort that lubricant additive companies are already working on the technology solutions to enable shipping’s journey to decarbonisation.
Congratulations Harriet!