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ACI would like to thank everybody who submitted nominations for the Women in Focus Sales & Marketing 2022 Award. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading through all the nominations. However, as we know there can only be one winner.
It is our pleasure to announce Alison Bottom, Group Marketing Director at Witham Oil & Paint, as the winner of Base Oil & Lubes Connect’s Sales & Marketing 2022 Award. Alison joined the business over 15 years ago and and has been described by Mick Kenyon, the company’s Operations & Technical Director, as tireless in her attention to detail, the values and ethos of the company and message she sends out. He credits Alison for bringing real relevance to the marketing function within the business and making it core to their ongoing success. More specifically he notes that Alison’s ability to understand and communicate the things that add value to her customers has helped grow the company’s motorsport division from virtually zero to a multimillion-pound turnover.
Congratulations Alison!