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We are pleased to announce ACI’s 24th Maritime HR & Crew Management Summit will take place on 13th-14th March 2019, Singapore.
ACI’s 24th Maritime HR & Crew Management Summit which is the ultimate platform to bring the latest innovation, strategies, insights and international best practices by the most influential and respected Maritime HR leaders and practitioners from around the globe.
The 2 day conference will focus on practitioners sharing their insights on HR trends and developments, and emerging skillsets to equip maritime employees to remain relevant in today’s automated and digitalized environment.
You can expect open discussions and interactive sessions giving you a chance to voice your opinion and hear from thought leaders on following:
Agenda Link:
Event & Registration Link:
£340 Early Bird Discount Available Until 28th September 2018
For more information & registration, contact Pramod Kale +91 9637464143 / +91 8983072806
or email: [email protected]