ACI is very pleased to annouce that Lignum-Vitae will be joining us as Associate Partner sponsoring our Hydropower Development 2018, which will take place on 5th & 6th of September this year.
Please see the most updated agenda & agenda committee 2018 HERE >>
Lignum-Vitae – Water Lubricated Bearings
Lignum-Vitae North America is the world’s leader of genuine Lignum Vitae bearing material. It is the first water lubricated bearing technology with unmatched longevity in water applications. It has tremendous load bearing and unique shock absorbing qualities that no other material can match. Lignum Vitae is the only material with over 130 years of proven success. If you are having any issues with bearing reliability or environmental concerns, please let us talk to you about a Lignum Vitae solution.
Exclusive Site Visit: During the afternoon of Tuesday 4th of September 2018, a limited number of conference attendees will receive a unique opportunity to visit Kraftwerke Oberhasli, KWO Grimsel Innertkirchen 1 Power Plant. There is no extra charge to attend the site visit, but spaces are limited and allocated on a first come – first served basis. Please register your attendance when booking for the conference.
Key Topics Include:
Analysing Hydropower In The Legal Context: Environmental & Engineering Challenges
Staying Competitive In Ever Changing Market Trends: Analysing Different National Experiences
Hydropower Sustainability & The Future Of Renewable Energy Strategy
Dr Bernhard Miller, Managing Director, Hydropower Evolutions (UNIPER)
Dr Klaus Engels, Managing Director, Hydropower Evolutions (UNIPER)
Dr Mario Bachhiesl, Renewables & Distributed Generation, Health & Safety, VGB
Emmanuel Grenier, Public and Institutional Relations, ICOLD
Gottfried Gökler, Head of Civil Engineering, Vorarlberger Illwerke AG
Hans-Christoph Funke, Director Hydro Power & New Technologies, innogy SE
Hans-Wilhelm Schiffer, Executive Chair World Energy Resources, World Energy Council
Ivan Zavadsky, Executive Secretary, ICPDR (International Commission For The Protection Of The Danube River)
Liliana Benites Carvalho, EDP
Liu Heng, Senior Technical Expert, UNIDO
Martin Schoenberg, Advisor Hydro Power, eurelectric aisbl
Olivier Tricca, Senior Engineer & Energy Expert, European Investment Bank – EIB
Otto Pirker, Senior Advisor, Verbund AG
Peter Matt, Head of Engineering Services, Vorarlberger Illwerke AS
Racquel Moura, EDP
Rikardur Rikardsson, Managing Director, LANDSVIRKJUM POWER
Simon Hamlyn, CEO, British Hydropower Association
Torbjørn Sletten, Senior Production Planner, Statkraft
The standard delegate rate is £1,595 (ex. Vat) which includes attendance of the two day conference, all speakers’ presentations, lunches and networking opportunities as well as documentation from the event. For more information & registration, please contact Rafael Krupaon +48 (0) 61 646 7040