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Active Communications International is hugely impressed and extremely pleased to be able to support their commercial director in London, Timothy Rowley-Evans, as he sets out on a gruelling 100 km, non-stop, walk across the Cotswolds for charity. He has chosen to support Médecins sans Frontières, also known as Doctors without Borders -an incredible organisation which does fantastic work that needs no introduction. They also come out as one of the best charities in getting the highest % of what you donate out into the field where you want and expect it to go.
Timothy will be completing this challenge through with 100% of money raised going to Médecins sans Frontières. If you’d like join us in sponsoring Timothy to do this challenge please click here and keep an eye on our newsletter to follow Timothy’s training progress and images from the walk which will take place on the 1st of July 2017.