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What are the challenges contactors face in new dredging projects?


Join ACI’s 2nd European Dredging Summit taking place in Hamburg, Germany on the 14th & 15th September, 2016 and hear Bill Murchison, International Business Development Manager, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company LLC speak on “Dredging Contractor Analysis –  An in-depth look at the challenges contactors face when undertaking new dredging projects”.

  • Methods to ensure effective and efficient dredging contract negotations when beginning new projects
  • Case studies outlining different dredging practice methodologies to ensure project success
  • Sediment disposal techniques – highlighting the importance of being receptive to the environmental needs of a particular project

Network with key industry figures from leading companies in this field.
Meet a mixture of your industry’s peers with confirmed senior level attendees from: DEME * Pella Sietas GmbH * Port of Rotterdam * Shannon Foynes Port Company * Patzold Koebke Engineers GmbH & Co. KG * Star Information Systems * Nordsee Nassbagger – Und Tiefbau GmbH * Omya International * Femern A/S * LLC Composit * University Federal Fluminense * Aquafact International Services Ltd * Van Den Herik Sliedrecht * Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company LLC * Damen Shipyards Gorinchem * Greenhalgh Associates / FIDIC Dredging And Reclamation Contract Update Task Group * PANOLIN International * AECOM * Keating Chambers * Hülskens Wasserbau GmbH & Co. KG * Global Ports Research Alliance/ Ports And Logistics Consultants Ltd * Groningen Seaports NV * Dredging Marine Offshore Services * EnviroCentre Limited * Boskalis Hirdes and many more…